- L-821 minim silver .021" / .525mm titanium alloy single shear pins.
- For mechanical or manual placement.
- Complete kit: 20 self-threading pins, 1 color-coded Kodex drill, and 1 universal hand driver.
- Manufacturer: Coltene/Whaldent.
- Satisfaction guaranteed for the value of money. [1 year warranty from the date of purchase].
Please allow 1-5 (5 being the maximum) business days to produce your item, and 1-3 additional shipping days to receive your item.
Some packages could be shipped sooner depending on availability, so please message us for further details.
Further specifications:
Recommended for the use of dental procedures; however, it is open for all uses.
Guaranteed for long-lasting use.
Mfg. by Plutusdental.