Dental 3D-Printer Resin Cast for Printing (multiple colors), Formlab 1L

Regular price $189.99

  • 3D print strong, precise concept models and prototypes that bring your ideals to life with Formlabs' library of standard resins.
  • With a matte surface finish, opaque appearance, and precise details, prints are ready to use right off the Form 2.
  • Their neutral undertone makes a great base for parts that will eventually be painted or undergo other finishing processes.
  • Formulated for models with very small features and intricate details.
  • Supports print resolutions: 100, 50, and 25 microns. No post-curing required. White color supports 100 and 50 microns.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed for the value of money. [1 year warranty from the date of purchase].
Further specifications:
Guaranteed for long-lasting use.
Recommended for the use of dentists, or certified professionals.
Sold. by Plutudental.
This product has a handling-wait time of anywhere from 2-9 days,
with the additional wait time of the delivery used. However,
some orders may ship sooner depending on availability, therefore please
message us before making your purchase and we will give you the best estimate possible.