Lab Handler Red Wing 26A Bench Laboratory Dental Polishing Lathe

Regular price $645.00

  • A full 1/4 HP, 1725/3450 rpm lathe for use on top of laboratory bench.
  • Unit dimensions: 15 1/2" long x 7 7/8" wide x 7 1/4" high. - Weight: 39 lbs.
  • Its 4 1/2" shaft height allows for easy use by the technician with hands resting on the tabletop.
  • Includes standard dental, tapered shafts, each lathe includes a right and left chuck remover, providing ease of removal.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed for the value of money. [1 year warranty from the date of purchase].
Further specifications:
Guaranteed for long-lasting use.
Recommended for the use of dentists, or certified professionals.
Sold. by Plutudental.
This product has a handling-wait time of anywhere from 2-9 days,
with the additional wait time of the delivery used. However,
some orders may ship sooner depending on availability, therefore please
message us before making your purchase and we will give you the best estimate possible.